Wednesday, June 16, 2010


I've had this post on my mind for a while, but I didn't know if or when to share it.  I started this blog to keep everyone in the loop when Emma Claire was in the hospital fighting every day.  We KNEW God would bring our family through everything and PRAISE GOD, we brought home a healthy and beautiful baby girl!  I have been thinking about making the blog private, but I know there are so many readers out there that have prayed for us during this journey and that keeps me from going down the private road.  I want to continue to this blog and document our lives.  

I know there are SO many families of preemies and and it is such an inspiration to me to read those blogs.  Eventhough I know I will probably never meet the families of the blogs I follow, I feel like we have a bond without even knowing the situation or family, just we are bound together in the preemie world. 

This has definitely been an interesting journey for us and I would have never thought we would be going down this road.  From our time in the NICU, which was an amazing time from having Emma Claire at home, we have and continue to love every minute of it.  I know all of our stories are different, but every day in the NICU we made the best of it, we treated it like a party and celebrated every day because it was one more day closer to bringing Emma Claire home!  We have a lot of good memories from our NICU friends and staff and they made it so much fun during our time there.   

I know I get asked a lot about "If the doctor's ever found out why I had EC early" and sometimes I feel like I could write a book on the things people ask me, but I know God did this for his GLORY!  I was the one HE chose to carry Emma Claire and bring her into this world.   HE has been with her since she was conceived and I knew beyond a shadow of doubt HIS healing hand was upon her every day in the NICU, healing her tiny body and making her stronger each and every day.   I would not want to go back and do anything different, I never felt like 'Why Me', I just  accepted it was God's Will and moved forward.  God knew what was going on and I believe this was HIS way of taking care of Emma Claire and giving us a PERFECT & HEALTHY baby girl to bring home. 

My prayer is for God to use this experience for his GLORY and HONOR!  I will keep this blog public as I feel GOD will use this as a testimony of our lives and hope other's will be touched through our experience.  We never know what tomorrow holds and again, we definitely never expected this road, but we know GOD's plans are bigger & brighter! 

I love everyday with Emma Claire.  I love seeing her daddy hold her and remembered those days of sitting at her bedside longing to hold and love on her.  We feel blessed God chose us to be her parents.  I'm so blessed I get to work from home and see her all day everyday.  We are blessed to have someone come to our home and watch her.  Even though we all go through different struggles and obstacles in life, please remember  

I love reading others stories, so if you would like leave me a comment with your blog. 


  1. Emily
    that was great, I love looking at Emma as she is growing into such a big girl. I think it is great that you share with everyone what is was like and yes it was hard, but the outcome is so worth of second of it. Emma is a blessing from God and you can see the love you all have for her in her pictures.

  2. Hi there, I just found your blog. You have a beautiful baby girl. I had my GB twins at 28 weeks. They are now 2. They are the joys of my life. I am going to catch up on your preemie story. I didn't start my blog until my 2 were 18 months. I wish I would have because it is so easy to forget all the details. I will never forget the experiance. God Bless, Andrea
