Thursday, June 10, 2010

Photo Shoot

Today I was so excited to receive the CD with all of Emma Claire's pictures on it from Tarrah!  She did an AWESOME job and I wanted to share a few.  These just make my heart melt and I cannot wait for Tarrah to do more pictures for us.  She really did a beautiful job of capturing our family.


  1. Amazing photos!! And I love that Boomer was included with these too!! Super proud Grandmas...I was ooohhing and aaahhhhing while giggling previewing these pics! Thanks for sharing Emily!~Gerry G.

  2. Great pictures, Emily!! I love every second one! I can't wait to see her in a couple of weeks. :)

  3. Love the pictures, especially of Emma & her Dad nose to nose. It looks like she was getting a bit tickled with Dad! These shots will be treasured always.
